Saturday, May 22, 2010

An Utterly Otterly Day

According to our pediatrician, Temple is growing according to nature's plan.  She gained about 6 ounces in the last 9 days, which is on the low end of a normal weight gain, but she's right in there.  She seems to be a healthy girl in spite of her bouts of crankiness.
While I dozed after a feeding that lasted from noon to noon:45, Matt tried to entertain his daughter by reading Utterly Otterly Day, a book that my friend Emily sent us, and one of fetus-Temple's favorite.  She wasn't as impressed with it outside the womb.  She did enjoy the ocean noises from the lamb cradle-mate that emits white noises.  She didn't care for the babbling brook, or the rainforest, but she liked the ocean.  She was, after all, born on the shores of the Chesapeake Bay.  We have otters here, I don't know why she wasn't into the book.  Mysterious.

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