Thursday, May 20, 2010

Jail: (verb) to thrive and survive in confinement. "He needed a big man 'cause he ain't know how to jail."

Breastfeeding is not for the weak of will.  I've described the contradictory advice given to us by doctors and lactation experts.  I went to a breastfeeding support group last night (funny: we went around the room introducing ourselves, and I was a half second away from introducing my self as, "I'm Kris, I'm an alcoholic.").  Naturally, I was super uncomfortable being around people I don't know, but it was good, and I definitely should go back.  T weighed 8 pounds 3.7 ounces right after I changed her.  She weighed 8 pounds even a week ago, so it's good that she's gaining, but she is supposed to gain about a half a pound a week, so she's probably not getting enough food, which would explain the crying during the day.  After nursing her for about 40 minutes, she had gained about 2 ounces.  The nurse there said that baby should eat about 2 to 4 ounces at each feeding, so, again, she's not quite getting enough.  Still, this is good to know.  Today, I'm leaving Temple on for as long as she wants.  At 12:30, she did 20 minutes on each side, then still ate 120 mls from the bottle, but after all that, she was satisfied.  Our doctor had told us that she should be satisfied after 10 minutes on each side plus 10 minutes on the bottle, and that if she was cranky after that, it was not from hunger.  That does not seem to be the case.  Oy vey.  Still, we are finding our way.  I'm going to another support group in Annapolis next Thursday.
     Surely, you can understand how frustrating and crazy-making it is to feed and feed and feed the baby according to the doctor's instruction and have her still be screaming with hunger.  It gave me the sads in a major way.  Matt stayed home today to help with feeding, make sure I don't throw myself out the window, and get me some milk-making herbs.  Please see post below re: if you have a baby, have one with Matt, because he rules.  He's my big man.  Flagler is The Big Man, but Matt is my big man.

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