Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Stef made me do it.

I have submitted.  I had a baby, and now I'm writing a blog about her.  Damn me.  

She is 11 days old.  Her father turns 33 today.  So, in May, our family will have Temple's birthday on May 1, Mother's day whenever that falls, Matt's birthday on May 12, and my dad's on May 18.  Which of us 4 will be wearing conical paper hats, though? 

Temple looked like an elf when she was born.  Now that she is gaining weight, she is beginning to look more like Matt.  Since we started trying to have a baby (almost 3 years ago), I have done a lot of reading about babies and pregnancy.  One of my favorite sharable facts is that babies tend to look like their fathers when they are born.  Check out your own baby photos if you don't believe me.  A drunk Japanese man in Vancouver once shouted, as my mother and I walked through the gaslight district, "ah, mazah and daughtah rook a just arike," but if you see my baby photos, I look like Tobey, not Danielle.  This is nature's way of keeping fathers from eating their young, and I think it is elegant.  Maybe I just want Temple to look like Matt to validate the evolutionary poet in me.  She has my hair color, and my cleft chin.  The nurse at the hospital told us that she recently learned that if a baby has a cleft chin, one of her parents has to have it.  Then she told us that she learned that on Gray's Anatomy.  Comforting.  

Gotta go.  Baby's crying.

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love that you are starting a blog! i am so psyched! cannot wait to follow the life and good times of Miss T ;)
