Monday, May 17, 2010

Musings at 2:30 am

Name the most famous Asian woman.  Can't think of one?  Me neither.  The best I got is Imelda Marcos, and while the Philippines is technically part of the Asian world, it doesn't seem right that the most famous Asian woman isn't from China, Japan, or Korea.  The only famous Asian women I can think of are Asian-American: Vera Wang, Kristy Yamaguchi, Lucy Liu, Amy Tan, Margaret Cho.  Iconic Asian men are easy: Chairman Mao, General Yamamoto, Atilla the Hun, Pol Pot, Kim Jong-Il, General Tso, etc.  Despotic bastards, but famous.  Icons of Asian womanhood are anonymous or fictional: the Geisha, the Concubine, Madame Butterfly, Miss Saigon.

What's that about?


Matt insisted I give him credit for this post.  We woke up early this morning to feed the beast, and not a word passed between us until 10 minutes into the feeding, when Matt asked, "who is the most famous Asian woman?"  The above summarized discussion followed.  Copyright Matt Sermon, 2010.

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