Thursday, May 27, 2010

Phantom Limb

During pregnancy, I got accustomed to focusing attention on my abdomen.  Starting in November, when I was about 4 months pregnant, I could feel little twitches in my belly, and I waited to feel them every day.  By the end of pregnancy, her movements became almost violent.  I could feel and sometimes see tiny feet feeling around my ribs.  Her feet would keep me up at night.  Sometimes she would head-butt me right in the gut, which would make me nauseous.  After 37 weeks, I was also monitoring my nether regions for signs of labor, which never came.
Since she is not in my uterus anymore, I don't need to keep track of her kicks anymore, but I guess my brain has muscle memory.  My inner eye remains on my pelvis, and every tummy rumble triggers my reflex to put my hand on my belly.
Also, I think Temple may have realized that she owns her left hand.  Jury's still out on the right.

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