Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Temple Turnover

Temple wants to be on the move.  She gets crabby sitting in her chair, and is constantly marching her feet in place, like she's doing abs.  I went to step class last night, and the instructor made us do flutter kicks with weights for abs, and I wanted to kill her.  She made one girl cry.  Temple cries sometimes when she's doing abs.  She is also getting pretty good at picking her head up when she is on her tummy.  I went to yoga on Sunday, and we did some tummy time there, too.  The instructor made us do the thing where you lay on your belly and lift your head, arms, and legs.  It works your back.  I couldn't do it for very long.  Me and Temple are at about the same fitness level right now.  
Our pediatrician told us at her 2 month appointment that she will be more mobile in the next few months, and that means she is more susceptible to injury, particularly falls and burns.  He gave us a list of development items to look forward to between now and her 4 month appointment.  She will be making faces more and more, and she will react more to people other than her mother.  This is because she is noticing new things, and my face isn't new.  I'm thinking about shaving my eyebrows, just to see if I can get a reaction out of her.  Or maybe I'll get a mask.    

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