Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Clementine's Korner

"In the past six weeks, they have been getting up several times a night, just to sit on the couch for forty minutes.  I didn't understand it, but I would get up with them, because I also like to sit on the couch, as long as someone picks me up when I say and puts me back on the floor when I say.  Then, all of a sudden, those lazy buttholes stopped waking up when they were supposed to.  I believe, as chief in charge of household affairs, that it is my responsibility to keep everyone on schedule.  That's what I had to wake everyone up the last 4 nights in a row.  This laziness will not stand.
Also, our neighbors were outside talking quietly, and that freaked me out.  That's also why I was barking.  
Also, the wind was blowing.  Also, I had gas."

1 comment:

  1. OMG, i was putting together the the new Chicco Play Yard LX this morning. It has an electronic music player that plays - MY DARLING CLEMENTINE!!!
