Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Pugs: can't live with them.

On Friday, June 11, Temple slept from about 10 pm until 2:00 am, ate for 40 minute or so, slept until 5:30 am, ate for about 40 minutes, and then stayed up, eating and sleeping on and off all day.  This had been her routine for about 4 weeks.  On Saturday night, she dozed off around 8:00 pm, and wasn't interested in being woken up for a 9:30 pm feeding like she usually is.  We expected her to wake us up just as we were drifting off to dreamland around 11:00 pm.  What did wake us up, around 12:30 am, was Clementine.  She barked for nearly an hour for no reason.  Temple, however, slept until 4:00 am.  Temple has slept for about 6 hours at a time at night since Saturday night, and Clementine has woken us up every one of those nights barking around 12:30 or 1:00 am.  Clementine sucks.  

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