Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Temple is asleep.  She has been sleeping all day, getting up only every two hours to eat.  The last two weeks, she has spent each day grazing, barely sleeping more than ten minutes at a stretch.  I guess she is catching up.  I hope this doesn't affect her night routine.  Once again, I failed to follow the advice, "sleep when the baby sleeps."  What did I do with all my free time?  Maybe I started reading a new book, since I finally finished "Let The Right One In," (it was gruesome and good), or maybe I cooked some chicken to keep in the fridge, so I would always have chicken when I wanted chicken.  Maybe I took out the recycling (funny story, I finally took the diaper garbage bag out, but I didn't put the can on the street in time for the garbage men, so that bag of poo will sit in the can in the heat until Friday.  Happy Friday, garbage men.  I appreciate your service.  Enjoy the stank.), or maybe I did my postpartum yoga DVD.  Or maybe I ate peanut butter and jelly with a spoon and watched The Real Housewives of New Jersey marathon.
Also, Temple is almost big and strong enough for me to perch her on one of my ample hips.  I'm this close to being able to hold the baby and eat a burrito at the same time.  That will be a happy day.  Maybe I'll get a burrito to celebrate it.

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