Saturday, November 20, 2010

Up in the Air

Tomorrow, Temple's first airplane ride.  We chase the sun west to Montana to introduce our girl to her Uncle and Aunt.  
Estimated time of departure from Casa Sermon: 4:45am, EST  
It's going to be a long day, but I'll breath through the stress.  No one better my junk at the security.  I anticipate throngs of cheerful travelers patiently working together toward a common goal.  Everyone loves a baby on an airplane.  Seatbacks and tray tables in their upright positions, folks.
If we fall out of the sky, I will hold my dearest loves and thank God for our brief, joyful lives.  
Current conditions in Billings: 8.6 degrees of mercury, light snow.  Bundle up, babies.
Away we go, again.

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