Thursday, November 4, 2010

Diagnosis: Daddy

     We went to the pediatrician for Temple's 6 month check up.  Here are her stats:
          Height:                        27.5 inches
          Weight:                       20 pounds, 8 ounces
          Head Circumference:  46.2 centimeters
          Most Resembles:         Her father
     She also has dermagraphia, which means sensitive skin.  The doctor diagnosed it by scratching an X on her skin.  It remained visible for several minutes (derma = skin; graphia = writing).  It's no biggie.   Lots of tots have it.  She also got seven (7) vaccines, one oral, six (6) injected.  Little girl got 6 shots in a row.  She took it well, probably better than I would have.  I would have cursed loudly; she just cried a little.  The shots made her a little crabby for the next day or so, mostly, I think, because the injection sites (front of her thighs) were sore.  They probably hurt her when she laid on her belly, trying to crawl, which she is going to do any day now.  She gets in to the plank pose, up on her hands and toes.  When I go get her in her crib in the mornings, she is usually on her belly with her butt in the air, like Yoda in that scene in Star Wars when Luke first gets there and Yoda is looking through all his stuff.  Yoda butt.  

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