Thursday, August 19, 2010

Rise of the Machines

Temple has been asleep since 2:30.  What did I do with my baby down time?  Did I write poetry in my journal?  Did I prepare a delicious and healthy meal for my husband and dogs?  Did I sit on the sun porch and read spiritual literature?  No, and we don't have a sun porch.  I put together another contraption for Temple.  It is a Baby Einstein Musical Jumper dealy.  It only took me two hours to put it together.  I think she'll like it.  Personally, I find it boring, but it was made for a 4 month old, and I am 357 months old.  
Contraptions to hold and entertain the child have begun to take over my house.  I say begun, because I fear there is more to come.  Our house is small.  There is Matt and my small bedroom, and Temple has a little room, and we have a large main room, a closet, laundry room, bathroom, and fabulous new kitchen, and that's that.  This new one claims to "fold flat," but that's horse manure because it doesn't fold, you have to take it apart.  I don't like clutter.  Physical clutter makes my mind cluttered.  I think at some point I'll snap and set fire to all our possessions in the front yard.  Use the ashes for compost.

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