Saturday, August 7, 2010

Late Night Early Morning

I live to sleep.  I was born tired.  Yet, I have recently found myself less irritated by late night feedings.  Temple and I have gotten pretty good at it.  She has been latching right on, and needing very little formula to top her off before settling back in for the sleep home stretch.  Two months ago, Temple would have to get herself pretty worked up crying before I could be convinced to get out of bed.  It was just hard for me.  I would let her go for so long (we're talking ten minutes.  I didn't actually let my baby go hungry.) that by the time we got up, she was too hungry to eat.  We had to spend time calming her down.  Now, I wake up around 1:30 am, whether Temple is up or not.  I've considered waking her up to get it out of the way so we can all go back to bed.  The past few days, she has made it from 8:30 pm to past 3:00 am.  During those early morning hours of wakefulness, I almost look forward to the feeding.  Temple is starting to make noises that very closely resemble vowels, and she likes to make them when she is being changed and when she is sated from a feeding.  It's really cute.  

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