Monday, February 7, 2011

Gnocchi Dokey

Updates in bullet point form, random order: 

  • Temple is 9 months old.  Holy cow.  She weighs 23.5 pounds, and is 29.5 inches.  Her rate of head growth has leveled.  She has sensitive skin, like her mamma, and so gets a bath and a coat of Aquafor every night.  We have to wipe out her folds because, as the doctor said, "she is a St. Bernard."
  • Temple says Dada.  She calls everything Dada - Matt, me, dogs, tv, stink bugs.  She also says Ee Dee Dee, but we haven't figured out what that means yet.
  • Temple is teething.  She's got two lower teeth, and she is working on the upper bunny teeth.  She has been a little cranky, but I got her some Nighttime Baby Ora-Gel.  It claims to be safe for babies four months and older, but I can't get over the feeling that I'm giving her drugs.  Not that that is a problem.
  • Temple went to her first yoga class.  It was a mother and baby yoga class at a real yoga studio.  All the other babies sat with their mothers and did as instructed.  Temple wandered all over the studio messing with other babies' stuff.  She didn't even want to sit with me during shivasana.  Temple wins the Independent Spirit Award. 
  • I still love my job.  I missed it so much when the restaurant was closed for a three week winter hiatus that I asked a favor of my brother in law and worked on pasta at his restaurants for a few days.  It was tedious and back breaking, but worth it.
  • My hair is dry, brittle, and falling out.  I shouldn't keep it up all the time, but I do, because if I didn't, Temple the Tazmanian devil would tear it out.  
That's all for now.  I'm sorry I'm not more entertaining.  I spend all my wit on the post title.

1 comment:

  1. It's not real if there aren't pictures. I demand photos of the bunny teeth.
