Emily tells me that it doesn't count as a post if there are no pictures. Matt already shared this one on Facebook, but Emily is all "Anti," so here it is again. It's a great picture Matt took of the T while they were on a walk last week when the weather was beautiful and I was at work. You can't see it, but she's got teeth growing in there. Her bunny teeth are still working their way out. Did I already write about how she sounds like R2D2? Well she does. Beeps and phonemes in the sing song of English, but no intelligible words. Although, this morning, I thought I heard her say mamma. She slept through the night again, and I heard her cooing around 8am. She usually yells and yells until I go get her, but this morning she was pretty quiet. I went to get her around 8:15, and she was laying on her back, chewing on Owl Pacino and waving Gigio around, content. When she saw me, I really thought she said something like mamma. Probably she was just saying dada again, but with her mouth full.
I started writing this post last night when Matt fell asleep on the couch at 8:30pm, but I found I didn't have a lot to say. Of course, T is doing new and exciting things every day, but you could read about most of those in a childhood development book. I'm working out, working, and taking care of the house. Not a lot of drama over here, and I have been pretty serene mentally, too. I hadn't been sleeping well, which I thought was due to sinus trouble, but my doctor thought was residual sleep disruption from Tiny T. He gave me a prescription for Lunesta (the one with the commercials with the neon butterfly), but I'm weary of taking a prescription sleep aid. It has been known to cause hallucinations and suicidal thoughts, and while the hallucinations sound like fun, I'd rather not roll the dice with the more serious side effects. A friend suggested melatonin. My reflex is to think that holistic stuff doesn't work, but I gave it a shot, knowing that the narcotic option was still available, and it seems to work. I'm waking up more refreshed and with more energy. I've also reduced my caffeine intake from 40 ounces throughout the day to about 20 ounces before 11am. Sometimes it bothers me that I don't have more to write about. In the early weeks and months of Temple's birth, I wrote on this blog a lot, and I realize now that it helped me work out a lot of emotions. I am grateful that I'm more at peace these days, but I miss the ease of writing. I'm also a little out of practice. I'll try to write more in the mornings while Temple is roving, climbing, and terrorizing the dogs. I leave you with another picture, this one of Turbo Temple.